March 14, 2020 4 min read

Today is all about supporting our immune systems with aromatherapy, and managing our fears.

Before I go any further, I want to state that this particular virus is new, and clinical studies have not had the chance to happen yet. The information I'm working from are from clinical studies on other flu viruses, but I believe many of the principals are the same. Keep you immune system as strong as you can .... just in case. 

I'm working from home today and if you happened to peek in my window you would see how "scruffy" I am right now! I love these days that flow with an unhurried pace and a break from hair/make-up. I love the days of fresh, clean skin, top knots and comfy clothes.

I really checked in with myself and to see how I'm responding to the outside world. The news is slightly scarier today than a month ago and it's hard to find the balance between due diligence and believing everything you read/see.  In light of this  virus, I've taken some extra precautions, but remain fully optimistic. 

Here are just a few of the things we've done as a family. We live a fairly healthy lifestyle most days, but have cut out all refined sugar, and processed foods which will keep our immune systems nice and "ready for battle", if the need should arise. Here are a few more things you can do that are easy and can make a world of difference.

  • Stay hydrated and make sure you're  getting enough sleep ... I can't stress enough how important sleep is to your immune system!
  • I've personally upped my Vitamin C & D, and I'm making sure to eat lots of fruit and veggies. 
  • Avoid stress when possible. Take some time away from social media, turn the TV off, go for a walk, practice a little gratitude and be mindful of your breathing. When we are stressed, it triggers our fight or flight response and we can find ourselves holding our breath or shallow breathing. So take a minute or two throughout the day and really breathe!
  • Oh, and wash your hands on the regular! Seriously, 20 seconds ... soap and water! 

As a professional Aromatherapist, I have of course turned to my essential oils for support. I'm going to share with you a blend today that you can do yourself with some essential oils you may already have on hand. I've left out the more obscure ones that I might use in a custom blend, and I've left out the really expensive ones in case you need to pick up a couple that you might not have.  Immune support and respiratory health should not cost a fortune! 

This blend is high in Oxides and Sesquiterpenes, which translated to "people speak" means the following

  • Antiviral
  • Relief of respiratory congestion
  • Tackles respiratory illness and viral conditions concerning the lungs
  • Helps to break down mucous
  • Immunostimulant (encourages the immune system to wake up by stimulating the lymphatic system)
  • Decongestant
  • Supports the immune system 
  • Emotionally heals and supports

You'll see one of the essential oils is Palmarosa - this is added to the blend to round out the scent and provide emotional support. We want the whole family to be able to use it, and sometimes the truly medicinal blends can be quite sharp and pungent. You could eliminate it if you'd like, but I love Palmarosa. It makes the blend smell "yummy" while offering the gentleness of a chemical constituent called geraniol. 

A few precautions to take - because this blend is high in a chemical constituent called 1,8 cineole, I would use caution around babies, pregnant or nursing moms, and those with epilepsy. Also, never around our feline fur companions! I've given a few different options so you can safely use this blend personally without having to diffuse it through the air.

You can also make a light balm to be used as a chest rub or for younger children a back or foot rub. For a loose balm your ratio would be 2:8 such as,  2 grams of bees wax and 8 grams of your favorite carrier oil. Melt the bees wax over very low heat in a water bath, and while still liquid add the carrier oil. Stir until incorporated. When slightly cooled, you can add your essential oil blend and stir very well.  10 drops of essential oil is plenty as balms tend to cover larger areas of the body. This can be used directly onto the skin. As a little added bonus, this balm would be nice on muscle aches and sore joints. You can play around with the wax:oil ratios to find a balm that suits you personally. Please drop me a comment if you would like to see a video tutorial on this and I'll be happy to record one :)
On a closing note, if you have any questions at all please don't hesitate to reach out and contact me at I'm always available to help and offer any advice I can to support your health and well being. If you know anybody who could use this essential oil recipe, please feel free to share it. I'll be send out more aromatherapy information in the coming weeks as more research comes to light regarding this particular virus. Until then, I wish you the very best of health and hopefully this virus will be but a memory very soon - Kelly  xoxo

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