March 26, 2020 5 min read

Staying In and Letting Go

First things first!  I want to check in on you and see how you’re doing in these strange and somewhat scary times. How are you feeling and how are you coping with the social distancing? 

I feel an almost collective anxiety, and on any other snowy day in March, like yesterday, we would all be complaining about the weather! Wow, things change as does perspective. This is just one of the things this last week has taught me.

Last Thursday,  I put the key in the lock of Sage and Sweetgrass, clicked the deadbolt into place, and hugged my team with no idea of what to do next. My business officially closed its door for what could be 2 weeks, a month or possibly longer? I have no way of knowing, and I am in no way in control of the outcome. This is kind of a scary thing for any business owner.

So now what? I don’t know about you, but I immediately propelled myself into the future and all I found there was anxiety and fear of the unknown.

 I’ve heard it said that “necessity is the mother of invention”, but in this particular instance I would have to say that, “uncertainty can give us a “deep dive” into what matters most, and how to find peace when we cannot control our outcomes”.

 This is no easy thing for those of us who are used to keeping tight schedules in order to control the outcomes of business, life, school and all of the other things that keep us busy and moving forward! All of the sudden many of us are “un-busy” and in a sort of holding pattern ... circling around our lives wondering where and when will we land, and what that will look like when the turbulence clears.

While waiting for the stormy weather to clear the biggest question for me was, “How do I find peace amidst this uncertainty”? By allowing myself to be quiet and listen, my ever-so-wise inner voice replied, “By letting go”!

Insert big, deep breath here!

Yes, by letting go of the attachment to the outcome, I realized that I didn’t need to figure everything out immediately, and maybe this was a bit of a gift? The gift of a new perspective, and the gift of narrowing my focus onto what really matters most.  All of my “people” are well, healthy and tucked away comfortably. That in and of itself is a true gift!

So, because I’m a bit of a work-a-holic (I’m happiest when I’m busy and in service), I decided to tackle the closet and do little things everyday that I can control. I’ve purged my closet, my inbox, my filing cabinet, my kitchen cupboards and even that space under the sink in the bathroom! As a cosmetic formulator, I make things to try on myself first, and even I was confused by some of the jars I found under there!

The more things that are leaving my “physical space”, the more space I’m creating inside of myself. This space feels expansive, creative and I’ve even started writing again. In this new found inner space, I’m finding a little bit of peace in the unknown.

I have a deeper appreciation and a feeling of gratitude for the journey .... not the destination. Being present isn't easy for me, but I'm getting better at it as the days go by :)

When we all have “wheels on the ground”, and the turbulence is behind us, I have great faith that we are all going to be okay.

Our lives will move on, we will become busy once again but for me, I’m keeping this sense of expansiveness with me always. On a side note, my hubby is really happy because I’d forgotten how much I love to bake! ..... Today is Cinnamon Bun Day :)

I truly hope that YOU are doing well and finding joy in the things that are in your control, even if they are the little things.

Check in with yourself often, making sure you are both asking and receiving what you need mentally, spiritually and physically.  Practice self-care, be gentle with yourself even in the middle of a “meltdown”, and if you need anything from me, please don’t hesitate to reach out. My personal cell number for texting is 902-499-4247 and I will always answer!

With Love - Kel

I will be in the salon twice a week for the remainder of our social isolation on both Wednesday's and Sunday's for a couple of hours fulfilling online orders and getting your special requests together. You can order either online or text me directly with what you need, and you'll have the option to either pay online or send an email money transfer. I will have everything ready for you, and sealed in plastic which you can pickup outside the door, or in the event you can't make it then, I'll bring it home with me and you can do a "front porch" pick up :)  Our Neuma shampoos/conditioners are not online, but I can go back through your file and see what you're using. If you've never tried our Organic Line, but would like to try it we can do a quick face time to figure out what would be the best one for you.  As always, shipping is free on orders over $100.00.

I'll be sending through another email this weekend on how essential oils can support us through this time. Essential oils are not a miracle cure ... if it were that easy, none of us would every be ill. The human body is a complex "machine", that operates with many different systems all running at the same time. What essential oils CAN do is:
  • Support those systems as a form of prevention and support those systems in normal functioning
  • Treat individual symptoms and offer relief
  • Keep our Central Nervous System and our Parasympathetic Nervous System (our flight, flight and freeze response) calm and from "over-reacting". When our PNS is on high alert we may experience an anxiety response or even a feeling of hopelessness. If you are feeling any of these feelings please reach out to either myself or another practitioner you know and trust. We may be able to help you with some strategies.
A calm and healthy body is our first line of defense, as is having a healthy and robust immune response. This combined with dense nutrition and hydration are all things we can do to keep ourselves as healthy as we can be. 
Thank you for supporting Sage and Sweetgrass!

We strive to provide a community for women who are passionate about clean living, holistic beauty and thriving naturally! 

We are a family run company and use email as a way to keep you informed, provide information that you can use in your daily life, and most of all we strive to transform your daily rituals in a beneficial aromatherapy experience. We believe that through responsible aromatherapy, we offer
Skincare for the Soul!

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